Nuevo plugin v 11.1.0 & VTT Thumbnails plugin updated

Last few days we spent on testing Nuevo plugin's function changeSource.

The main goal was to check how text tracks are loaded or replaced when changing the source, how some newly loaded source interact with possible video ads.

Nuevo v 11.0.0 release

Video.js v8

After over six months, we decided to release new major version of the Nuevo Software.

Version 11.0.0 includes 2 separate subversions, one for video.js version 8x and second for video.js version 7x. Player skins CSS files are exactly same for both video.js versions. Most of the plugins for video.js 7x will work with video.js 8x. Plugins for video.js 8x are updated according to the video.js migration guide and will not fit video.js version 7x.

Video.js v. 8.0 new release

Video.js version 8.0 and Video.js HTTP Streaming (VHS) version 3.0 has been released and the latest stable version is 8.0.4, released February 2, 2023. The new release includes a lot of housecleaning tasks, and some changes that force developers to migrate their plugins and skins. The minfied and gzipped size of Video.js is reduced by around 3%, and this is probably the first step on the way to optimize the size of the Video.js even more.

Nuevo plugin v 10.3.0 in detail

1. Chromecast-Pro Plugin

This Pro version fo the Chromecast plugin is available for GOLD Plan users and it features few new things.

  • Cast thumbnail displayed along video title and subtitle on the left. Thumbnail image is either one assigned by the user or taken from video poster image.
  • Video ads playback, from single video file or VAST protocol.
  • Video playlist playback without disconnecting Chromecast.
  • Optionally minimized player fixed to the bottom of the browser while casting.

About HEVC/H.265 and browsers support

The successor to H.264, High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC/H.265)is newer and more advanced than H.264 in several ways for video compression used in recording and distributing digital video.

HEVC H.265

The main difference between H.264 and H.265 is how each processes information and the resulting video file size and bandwidth consumption used with each standard. H.264 processes frames of video using macroblocks, while H.265 processes information using coding tree units (CTUs). CTUs process information more efficiently, which results in a smaller file size and less bandwidth used for your streamed video.

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