Videojs.mergeOptions is deprecated warning

Some users noticed a videojs warning in browser's console:

videojs.mergeOptions is deprecated and will be removed in 9.0; please use videojs.obj.merge instead.

The reason is quality levels module by video.js, which was not updated yet and still use videojs.mergeOptions function instead of new videojs.obj.merge. Video.js is compiled from many separate javascript modules into one distribution javascript file.

The warning does not appear if the quality levels module is not in use, e.g. if the video source(s) is of .mp4 or .webm format, or when HLS/MPEG-Dash stream contains only one resolution stream.

Certainly, the warning is not caused by any of plugins by, for the version 8 of video.js.

You will have to live with this warning until video.js decide to update quality levels module in some new version of the Video.js script.

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