Thumbs Sprite Generator

Generate sprite image to show thumbs over progressbar

The generated JPG sprite image works only with videojs + Nuevo plugin and skin.
Such sprite image requires only 1 Nuevo plugin easy option to setup.
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Player Code Setup

<script>var player = videojs("my_player_id");player.nuevo ({slideImage: "path-to/sprite.jpg",slideWidth: 160,slideHeight:90});</script>
Upload a file
Accepted video formats
avi, mpg, mov, asf, mpeg, xvid, divx, mkv, mp4, rm, wmv, m4s, mt2s, flv, ogg, ogv, webm
Please note: Generating a sprite image is a relatively fast process, however uploading a video file, may take some time depending on video file size.
The default size for single thumb over progress bar is 192x108 px (16x9 aspect ratio)..
The generator allows to use any other dimension, however thumb width and height must be assigned as "nuevo" plugin options if different than default values.
The generator on this site generates sprite image with thumbs, each of 90px height and width according to video aspect ratio. Most often single thumb is of size 160x90.