Videojs VAST/ VMAP protocol

The Video Multiple Ad Playlist (VMAP) specification is an XML template that wraps one or more VAST3 ad responses. Via VMAP, you can indicate whether an ad is a pre-roll (ad before the content), a mid-roll (ad somewhere in the content), or a post-roll (ad after the content). Detailed VMAP can refer to multiple VAST ads to be played at different times. The official VMAP description and protocol details are available on the IAB website.
In the example above, the VMAP protocol used is vmap.xml. It consists of pre-roll video, mid-roll video (at 00:25), and post-roll video.

VMAP setup does not differ from VAST setup code.
Code snippet
player.vastAds (
{tagURL: "vmap-ad-tag-url"}
The VAST/VPAID plugin is included for free only in the GOLD version of the Nuevo plugin.