Snapshot Plugin

Capture snapshot image from video

Video snapshot is an option built-in in the Nuevo plugin. If enabled, the snapshot button is located right before the fullscreen button. By clicking the button, you can capture an image from a video at the current time. The size of the captured image is equal to the currently playing video (not a player). Only on a mobile device, the width of the captured image is limited to 600px.
The default image type is .jpg (0.9 compression quality). You can change it to .png using the appropriate option. To enable the snapshot button, you need to set the appropriate Nuevo option.
Code snippet
var player = videojs("my_player");
player.nuevo({ snapshot:true });
Or for .png snapshot type:
Code snippet
var player = videojs("my_player");
player.nuevo({ snapshot:true, snapshotType: "png" });
You may wish to watermark images captured from video. All you need to do is define watermark text, e.g.
Code snippet
var player = videojs("my_player");
player.nuevo({ snapshot:true, snapshotWatermark: "" });
If the streaming server has a different origin than the production server, you should enable CORS on the streaming server, or at least try to set the video attribute crossorigin="anonymous".