Languages for videojs


Create, edit, apply languages for Videojs and Nuevo plugin

Video.js framework supports multiple languages and allows for users of non-English locales to natively interact with the player.
Player example above with the pre-roll video uses Spanish language.

Additional language support can be added to the Video.js in multiple ways.Language support is described in detail on dedicated website

Video.js distribution package includes "lang" directory with multiple .json files, each representing certain language translation. For much easier use Nuevodevel also prepared appropriate javascript files with language translations and this makes very easy to load and apply custom language, just like Spanish (es.js) in the example below.
Code snippet
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
var player = videojs('example_video_1',{language: 'es'});
//plugin options here
We have prepaired video.js language editor and now you can translate all player's text string, including those for plugins by and DOWNLOAD ready language javascript and json files. You can also edit one of existing video.js languages, adjust or translate missing texts and DOWNLOAD ready files. Just try our editor here.

Of course you can edit any of existing languages or create new language files manually. Remember to edit language file in an editor with UTF-8 character code support.