Videojs Google Ima VAST

Playing VAST through Google Ima plugin

Google Ima library and plugin can be an alternative for Nuevodevel VAST/VPAID plugin to play VAST Ads. Ima plugin is rather uselesss to play VPAID ads from other than Google resources. In most cases it will throw CROSS ORIGIN error. The Google Ima plugin cannot play multiple VAST ads in advance, setting it in same easy as through VAST/VPAID Nuevodevel plugin. However Ima plugin supports VMAP IAB standard and you can configure VAST template to play multiple ads at any time position.
On Google website you will find multiple VAST tags to test, including VAST VMAP examples.

Watch Linear VAST SPOTX ad example above, pay attention to VAST events fired through VAST template.

Nuevo plugin license owner receives all required files and detailed tutorial on how to setup player for VAST/VPAID ads, including code setup and html example.