Context Menu Options

The native context pop-up menu when you right click over a player is replaced by a custom Nuevo simple menu with three basic options (play/pause, mute/unmute, and full screen), an optional video URL to copy, and branding link. You can replace the Nuevo branding link with your own brand.

Switch off context Menu completely

Code snippet
var player = videojs();
contextMenu: false

Setup own branding link

Code snippet
var player = videojs();
contextUrl: '',
contextText: '©',

Branding link with favicon

Code snippet
var player = videojs();
contextUrl: '',
contextText: '',
contextIcon: '//',

Use browser's default context menu

Code snippet
var player = videojs();
contextMenu: "default"

By defining url nuevo plugin's option, you will enable the Copy video URL context menu item, just like in the example above.
Code snippet
var player = videojs();
player.nuevo({ url: "https://video-url-address" })