New version 11.3.0 of Nuevo software released!
New version of Nuevo software v 11.3.0 was just released.
This time we focused on optimizing CSS skins and on improving the player's accessibility for for blind users or user with low vision.
Using the !important rule in CSS is generally considered bad practice, though it's not an error. !important in CSS is a special notation that we can apply to a CSS declaration to override other conflicting rules. As far, each of Nuevo Skin's CSS stylesheet files included dozens of !important rules. We decided to review and edit each skin file, trying to remove the !important notation if it was only possible. We have thus just left two crucial !important rules in each of the CSS files. We also optimized a large number of additional CSS rules. We spent a lot of effort on this—roughly 8 hours for each CSS file—but we're quite happy with the results.
The Nuevo plugin also received extensive updates. First of all, we have corrected a significant flaw that was there from the start. Although no users have reported it, it might affect the player's performance and the browser's memory.
We also improved a lot of the Nuevo plugin's elements accessibility. TAB order has been changed, keyboard navigation has been added to Nuevo menus, aria-label attributes were added for several elements. The plugin's file size increased about 2.5 kB, but it's really not much as for dozens of new tabindex and aria-label attributes, new label texts and menus navigation code, not only in Nuevo plugin, but also in few other smaller plugins. All new texts (29) for aria-label attributes are available to translate in each of language files.
Social sharing through Nuevo plugin's icons as far was based on AddThis service. Unfortunately AddThis services were terminated globally this summer. For this reason we had to change sharing method. In Nuevo version 11.3.0 sharing is performed through direct specific servide URL.
Finally, we updated VTT Thumbnails plugin. If you enable new responsive
option, thumbnail over progress bar changes size accordingly to the player's width. There are 5 size ranges for the thumb's responsivity that you can adjust through another option as well.
Not much new in new release, but a lot of existing code important improvements, lot of efforts and time.