Nuevo plugin version 5.4.0 + Chromecast plugin v.2
As we stated in a previous post, recently we have focused on developing a better Chromecast plugin for Video.js with Nuevo plugin. After 2 weeks of work and tests we are happy to announce that Nuevo plugin version 5.4 and new version of Chromecast plugin was just released
Version 5.4 of Nuevo plugin contains few small fixes for video playlist, a fix for disappearing settings menu after VAST video and some new code for better Chromecast support.
Chromecast plugin was much improved, starting from better looking player in casting state, an option to play the next and next video without disconnecting Chromecast, a much easier option to define and display video title and subtitle on casting device.
We have also extended our showcase example/tutorial pages for Chromecast plugin usage. This includes an example with option to change video source while casting to device and playlist example with Chromecast support.
Start exploring examples and tutorials here.
Major version of Nuevo plugin has not been changed, so every license holder of Nuevoplugin v 5.x can download the latest version FREE!. Chromecast plugin v2.0 is available for each order type.